Dancing from dark to light

”Before you can see the light, you have to deal with the darkness.” – Dan MillmanWhat’s this mean?Dealing with the darkness means being with the pain, the shame, the discomfort, the suffering or...

Barely breathing: A case study in competing commitments

What is possible when we transform the language of complaint to the language of commitment? Yesterday, a client who sent a desperate email request for a session signed Barely Breathing had a...

Presence: An invitation to courage

We speak lightly of Presence so often – in working with ourselves, in working with our clients. Yet, we don’t often think of it as the key to developing courage! This morning as this quote came across...

Shearing through limiting beliefs

The man who believes he can do something is probably right, and so is the man who believes he can’t.  So what’s it going to be? Are you attaching to your very sticky, very clingy limiting beliefs...

Language reveals our reality: Food for thought

The other day, two friends were discussing current projects at work. I listened to their conversation with curiosity. Joe described his project as “a battle” while Karen used “a journey” to describe...

Tracking intimacy: Getting close to your partner

Do your relationships feel stale? Are you wondering where intimacy is hibernating? Are you experiencing the “blahs” when you long to feel engaged, engrossed and connected? The sparkle may have fizzled...

Mastermind: Case Consultation and Business Development

There is synergy of energy, commitment, and excitement that participants bring to a Mastermind Group. The beauty of Mastermind Groups is that participants raise the bar by challenging each other to...

What are You Coaching: Trait or State?

Fundamental Attribution Error – what is it and why is it important? Despite the stuffy name, this is an extremely important concept for coaches to keep front and center as they work with clients. Dr...

Narratives – A Practice

Here’s something I’ve noticed. Its often challenging for coaches to be  both succinct and to “go deep” in establishing a client’s current narrative. And if the proffered current narrative doesn’t...

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