
Jubilation!  I don’t use that word often, but its what I felt last week! Jubilant. Why, you ask? Ah, it’s been a bubblin’ and a steamin’. For a over a month,  I wended my way through all the ups and downs of creating my first ever webinar, “21 Days from Timid to Awesome” which came […]

Super-secret of successful entrepreneurs

Steven is an amazing videographer who takes risks to capture the feeling of the products he helps market. He is building a thriving business. Eight months ago though, Steven called to tell me about burnout and his “bleak” prognosis as an entrepreneur. The big secret of successful entrepreneurs that few talk about is sustaining passion. Yep, […]

When you get stuck, shake it up

Diana: I’ve been stuck in molasses. Trying to write my weekly blog post felt impossible – like struggling to get one hand free and feeling my heels sink deeper. Yuck! Ralph: Did you get it done? Diana: Yep, amazingly – with a little help from my friends. Ralph: Well Mercury is in retrograde for a few more […]

Tapping: The art an science of prized leadership

You’re smart. You’re resourceful. You’re motivated. Yet you aren’t hitting the target as a leader and wondering why. Do you want to become a prized leader, sought after, influential, wise? Perhaps you’re exploring the best thinking  on leadership? I bet your book shelves are sagging. So much is being written about the art and science […]

The Secret To Staying Calm In Chaos

I’m a coach, so my clients (executives, entrepreneurs, coaches, and other high performers)  show up in my practice for all sorts of reasons. If I had to categorize them, I’d say most clients were looking for ways “to stay calm in chaos”. That’s what “Sam” was looking for when he picked up the phone to […]

MBA leaders brainstorm: What women leaders need

“Flight 918, now boarding” blared the speakers. Tired after my day at a major university’s school of management, I prepared to return home, brimming with satisfaction. It had been a good day, filled with wonderful women. These MBA candidates were poised to grab the leadership reins of various institutions. And they had let me lead […]

Learning to love conflict

“That can’t possibly work! The roll out time will coincide with our busiest season. And the engineers are scrambling as it is.  Siphoning off talent to work on this will handicap us.” Jeff bellowed, riled up by Amy’s presentation of a new product design. The air was suddenly sucked out of the conference room. Amy […]

Finally A Re-Do For A Meaningful Life

Neuroscience has been probing the mysteries of your brain. For a long time.  And the neuroscientists have discovered  the steps to  rewiring it so you can live bigger, better! As you may have guessed, this involves more than just positive thinking or working hard. Since your brain is made up of neural networks – like […]

Conflicted Over Conflict? Stay Tuned In

You have a story about “conflict”, oh yes, you do. If you give me your definition of the word and some examples, your narrative about conflict  emerges. Your story may include statements  like “She always battles my ideas!” or “He has to have things  his way or no way!” or “Our boss isn’t forward thinking […]

How Language Reveals Our Reality: Food for Thought

Tension in the conference room hit the red zone. One VP animatedly described his current project as “a battle”. He was angry with several people who report to him for “lagging” and one for “abrogation of duty”.  Others were “incompetent” as their inability “to take orders” demonstrated I was struck by his language. Did it […]